Niamh Noble


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Niamh Noble is a genderqueer artist living in Melbourne, exploring themes of self-expression using a variety of mediums such as sculpting, painting, video games and embroidery.

They are private about their own journey with gender identity due to a fear of judgement and misrepresentation of trans struggles, and art provides them with a safe tool to express how they feel. They desire to create works that connect with people, both in solidarity and as an explanation to help those who struggle to understand sexuality and gender identity.
The Lovers and The Devil (2022)
Handsewn fabric dolls made with metal wire internal framing

This art piece depicts themes of gender euphoria especially through queer fashion, femme/masc presentation, and fearless devotion to following self-expression.

The dolls are posed to mirror the arrangement of the woman, man and devil/angel in both 'The Lovers' and 'The Devil' tarot cards. The devil card in the classic tarot deck exemplifies the common experience trans people have of being judged for your looks. Although the Baphomet seems like an evil beast, he is blessing the couple and their bindings are not tight or inescapable, the people are there by choice.

Similarly, the doll seen above the couple appears to be a demon, however his design is intended to portray a depiction of the Greek god Dionysus, god of wine and pleasure. This god in modern time has become a symbol of trans people, and was described as "A patron god of hermaphrodites and transvestities" by Roberto C. Ferrari in the 2002 Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture. This was in part due to historians noting the god was described as effeminate and known to wear feminine clothing on occasion.

The lovers by contrast is bright and more conservative in its appearance even though the people shown are still naked. Symbols of fertility and gender stereotypes are seen in the snake by the woman (Eve in the garden of Eden) and the bush of fire behind the man (flames of passion/lust).

Often queer people find freedom and personal healing when they are able to see themselves in media previously intentionally excluding them. For trans bodies to be portrayed in a traditionally cis-normative scene is satisfying and validating. By combining the themes of both tarot cards, the theme of gender euphoria is embraced both in the experience of fearless self-expression regardless of societal norms, and it also celebrates this expression as something beautiful and good.
Play Possum (2018)
Video game

Play Possum is a twine game about being visibly queer and mentally ill, through the protagonist Possum you must interact with the world as a werewolf. You face several conflicts, and decide what she must do; feel, or do nothing. According to your decisions, you will find an ending with the relevant consequences. There are 3 possible endings.

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